Those who know me can probably attest that I am one of the most careful and most praning persons to walk on the face of the Earth. Most of the time, I am the go-to person to keep stuff because I can keep track where I keep them. And I got it from my Momma.
Since I got pregnant, I've stopped wearing my wedding and engagement rings except on special occasions. Actually, I don't regularly wear them because I am SO afraid I'd lose them to thieves as I commute and by experience, prone to holdap.
So I don't know what possessed me to wear my rings when we went swimming in La Union a couple of week-ends ago. Before getting into the pool with little curly top, I took them off and gave them to my mother, who apparently wrapped them in tissue and kept them in her bag. That was Saturday.
It was already Monday when we were bound for Manila that I remembered to ask for my rings. Mommy went to check her bags. After a while, she called me and she was crying. She could not find the rings, as well as all the crumpled tissue in her bag. Tears.
She cried. I cried. She cried more though.
And although I haven't worn them in a while, it is now that I really feel the loss. Sometimes, I find myself rubbing my left ring finger. Mommy promised to replace them, I want to replace them because I don't have many real jewelry, but rings are expensive. Besides, they won't be the same. :(