Thursday, September 8, 2016

Happy Birthday, Sir!

Who else misses the old blogs of yore where bloggers hide behind the veil of anonymity and share to their hearts' content? The famous bloggers nowadays pepper their blogs with sponsored ones, nothing against that (except some of them are rich to begin with and they are the ones getting free stuff, boo hoo!), I just miss the former over-sharing posts.

Anyhoo, today is the birthday of one of my favorite teachers. My favorites are the ones who taught English/Language/Writing. Sir A was our sophomore and junior years English teacher. He came from the US and he was always in Girbaud shirts before the brand came to the Philippines, hence we called him “Girbaud” behind his back, harhar. He had an American accident which we imitated, again, harhar. What I loved about him was that he introduced us to Shakespeare and Langston Hughes. He spearheaded what I believe was the first school-wide play, an adaptation of Charles Dickens' A Chiristmas Carol. He made us write “original” short stories, that he called out one of my classmates for plagiarism because she included Spanish sentences in her story and she does not speak Spanish at all (so she must have lifted them from a Sweet Valley/Sweet Dreams pocketbook). Sadly, he went back to the US before our senior year. I communicate with him from time to time via Facebook. I wish that baby P will have a teacher like him in the future. I know he's not going to read this, but Happy Birthday, Sir! Thank you for spreading the love of words, written and spoken. :)

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