Thursday, August 30, 2018

8 Months Pregnant Update

I am 32 weeks/8 months pregnant today. My app says the baby is around 3.5 pounds and is as big as a squash. I'm definitely feeling the weight - I guess this is what they call "heavily pregnant". Baby girl kept me up last night, just like her older brother, she's a squirmer and kicker in the evening and early morning. When I woke up, I was feeling out of breath, not sure if due to the heaviness or sleeplessness.

I better get on preparing stuff for the baby. First task is to organize her closet and launder her white clothes. The big items left to purchase are the sterilizer, crib and breast pump spare parts. I'll be reusing most of P's stuff, never mind if they're colored blue.

A couple of friends are planning to throw me a baby shower on September 8. I really really really hope somebody gets us a diaper bag haha.

I still commute to and from work. It's the only exercise I could get so far and I hope to give birth through NSD again.

And oh, I had another bad constipation episode last week. Only a suppository worked. My OB prescribed a laxative and I've been okay so far.

I'm also due for a check-up this Saturday. I hope my OB does not cancel last-minute like she did last time. I'm hoping we could check out the rates and rooms of the hospital.

Friday, July 13, 2018

My Favorite Time of Pregnancy

I am currently 25 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Just 104 days to go. GAH. I think this is actually my favorite time of pregnancy - the bump is big enough that there's no mistaking that I'm pregnant but it's not yet too heavy, and the baby is kicking well enough that you can feel it with your hand over the stomach but it does not hurt. Just reveling in this feeling right now, my yayas are leaving in a couple of days without any replacement yet. So help me God.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Six Months, et cetera

Unlike my first pregnancy, I haven't been compulsively checking my pregnancy apps. Hence, I was a bit surprised that I am already six months pregnant as of yesterday, July 5. June has been incredibly hectic so I will try my best to write what has happened.

P had his last bakuna for the year. It was his second shot for Japanese Encephalitis. Days before going to the pedia, I was priming him by showing him the photo of his pedia and telling him that he should not cry nor shout (because he throws an insane fit every time). I was confused when he started saying, "Doktora, chocolate!" I forgot that I used to tell him that Doktora will give him chocolate after his shot, although it is I who brings the chocolate. When we arrived at the guardhouse, he was surprisingly quiet and not crying, even while we waited outside the clinic. He would usually start crying at the guardhouse pa lang. He whimpered a little when the baby before him cried. When it was our turn, he started crying, but not as much as before that we were finally able to get his weight on the weighing scale. While we still needed Daddy and the pedia aide to hold him, he did not fight back as much as before. Too bad it's his last until next year, he may start resisting violently again next time. Or maybe he'd be more mature next time.

P and his flowers. He has become fascinated with the flowers outside that he has taken to picking some out for me when he and his Daddy go outside. Awww.

P and window markers. I asked my sister to buy him Crayola window markers when they went to Singapore. It's given us a few minutes of quiet time. LOL.

Congenital Anomaly Scan. I had my congenital anomaly scan and cervix measurement at Pacific Global Hospital last June 16. The wait took a while even if we were early that I suddenly missed Medical City. Haha. Anyhoo, the baby is fine, no congenital anomalies, placenta and cervix are okay so I'm not at risk for pre-term labor. More importantly, IT'S A GIRL! When hubby saw the result, he immediately demanded that we try for another boy, whoa! I had an inkling that I'm carrying a girl though because my symptoms are milder. Thus, I can now call my bump "Naneng" - Ilocano for baby girl.

Two-Week Seminar. For the last 2 weeks of June, I attended a two-week seminar in Bayview Park Hotel Manila for MCLE compliance and other stuff. I signed up and paid for this in February way before I got pregnant. So when I got pregnant and calculated that I will be five months along during the seminar, I debated whether I should go through with it or not. I thought though that it will be harder when I already have two babies if I postpone it for some other time. At first, I was planning to stay in the hotel with P and his ates but hubby said it'd be cheaper if I get a driver. So I borrowed DA's car and got hubby's cousin to drive for me for 2 weeks. Although I was seated most of the time, the seminar was exhausting and stressful, so much so that...

Emergency Room trip. At around 4:30 A.M. of June 23, I suddenly woke up with a painful stomach. I thought I needed to poop. I was then lying on my right side so I tried shifting to my left side but I could not move. My stomach was so hard and painful and I started to panic. I woke up the hubby and he said we should go to St. Luke's. So we left without changing out of our house clothes while P wailed on the floor as he was left behind. Throughout the drive to the hospital, my stomach remained rock-hard. They brought me to the pre-labor room and checked the heartbeat of Naneng which was okay. However, the hardness has stopped by then. I was given Duphaston and something to relax my uterus. As I was discharged, I saw my OB in her clinic and she asked what I did. I said I had a seminar. She said it was probably due to stress (ha!) and she prescribed progesterone and Duphaston just in case it happened again. I on the other hand thought that my body was so used to walking that it got "stressed" when I sat down all the time.

P's first army cut. P had his first army cut this Sunday. Granted, he started crying when he saw that we were going inside Cuts for Tots, but again, he did not resist as much as before. He used to struggle his way out of the car/seat. This time, he just cried haha. I distracted him by blowing bubbles and making him hold the spray bottle and remote. Hay, this boy.

Yayas leaving. The yayas are finally leaving on July 15, with or without replacement. I've decided not to ask them to extend again.

Kicking. Like P, Naneng has taken to kicking up a storm in my belly. So much so that her kicks can already be felt when you put your hand on my belly. Gah, only three months to go. I better start listing the things I need to buy.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Search for New Kasambahays

Just when I thought that this pregnancy is going to be relatively stress-free compared to my first, my kasambahays dropped a bombshell: they will be leaving by the end of June. They are sisters hence they're a packaged deal.

They've been with us for two years, the longest we've had. They have our routines down pat and I can leave P with them without worrying (much). They are young, just out of their teenage years, and single. Sometimes, I feel like I have two teen-age daughters but they proved to be hard-working and responsible. They said that their aunt recruited them to work in a factory. Of course, I tried to persuade them to stay by increasing their salaries and stating the cons of factory work but they remain firm. To be fair to them, they were the only ones who tendered notice, the rest of the yayas would usually not come back after a vacation.

It's just the end of May, but I'm already dreading the end of June. Just another heartbreak.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Dear Baby No. 2

Hi, baby. Right off the bat, this is an apology. I'm sorry I do not have a nice nickname for you yet. We used to call your older brother "balong" because we really wanted a boy. I should come up with one soon.

I'm sorry also that I'm not as OC as when I was first pregnant. I then kept a baby journal with Instax photos. While we still took weekly photos of my bump, I was not as diligent in documenting my pregnancy. So I really took the time this long week-end to update my baby journal. It's just that I am so tired in this pregnancy, it's not your fault though. Mommy is OLD.

Yesterday was supposed to be our check-up but the OB was suddenly on leave. I was pissed off that her secretary did not even text me. Or it was my fault that I did not check beforehand.

I hope you never ever think that I love you any less. I just had a lot more time and more energy during my first pregnancy. I don't know how it can be done but I will love you and Manong P equally.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Ten Years

10 years ago, I officially became a lawyer by signing the Roll of Attorneys. I always said I wanted to become a lawyer because Daddy Attorney made it look so easy. Then, I sort of wavered a bit during college so I worked for a year before finally entering law school. Law school was marked with tears, more tears, and losing a lot of weight, but I persevered, mostly because I did not want to disappoint DA.

After finally signing the Roll of Attorneys, I again took a different path from DA. I know I broke his heart a little, and I still whisper "sorry" to him to this day.

The past 10 years have always been for you, DA, even if I was not beside you every day. I am still uncertain about what path to take in the coming years but I know for sure you will guide and support me, as you always did.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Second Trimester

Today is the start of the second trimester and I'm looking forward to less nausea and more energy. Of course, I still threw up a bit of my breakfast today. Groan. I also wore a dress to work but it still looks like I just had a big meal haha. Excited to sport a bump and take advantage of preggy privileges, muwahaha!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Daddy's Girl Forever

I forgot to write in my post that I found out that I was pregnant on February, the birth month of Daddy. I've been talking to him to help me get pregnant again. When February rolled around, I thought it would be the perfect gift from Daddy if I do get pregnant that month. For drama effect, I was actually thinking of taking a pregnancy test on February 27, his birthday. But then, low EQ.

Daddy always gave us what we wanted (within reason, of course), no questions asked. When I was going through a hard break-up, I asked for a digital camera which was worth P25,000.00. He gave it to me even if all five kids were still in school and he was the sole breadwinner. He's already in heaven and he's still giving me what I want.

It's just so sad that he won't get to see his second grandchild, I'm sure he'll be over the moon. I miss you so much, Daddy. Thank you. Love you.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

We heard the heartbeat!

Yesterday, at our 12th week check-up, we heard the baby's heartbeat through the Doppler. Yay! It never gets old, noh? For the past few days, I've been feeling some strange movements in my tummy. I asked the OB if it was possible for me to feel the baby this early but she said no. Oh well. My tummy is funny, too, sometimes I look like I have a bump, sometimes I don't. I still can't invoke pregnant privileges in lines hehe.

The only problems so far are my constipation and the waking up early in the morning then having a hard time going back to sleep. I experienced constipation the last time but in my third trimester already. I don't remember the insomnia part though, so not sure what's causing that. I rarely drink any caffeine nor chocolate, only when I'm really really craving it. Hay, why kaya?

Saturday, April 14, 2018

#Blessed 2.0

I never read “The Secret” but I do believe in the power of writing something down and attracting it to com true. While I was reviewing for the Bar, I wrote my name over and over with “Atty.” before it, and it came true.

So late last year, my Annus Horribilis, I wrote in my little notebook, “Baby Girl 2018”. Also wrote that in my previous post.

Lo and behold:

Since my ovarian cyst was removed last July, we've been trying to have a baby. We've always wanted more babies but my PCOS was making it difficult for us to do so. The OB who operated on me suggested that we undergo fertility work-up but the thought made me tired already. When my ultrasound revealed that my ovaries were “normal” (not polycystic), I did some research. I bought a bottle of Vitex capsules and male fertility blend capsules for the hubby at Healthy Options. My office mates and I got into essential oils so I bought Eden's Garden Gal Pal and diffused clary sage and geranium while in the office.

Once again, I religiously tracked my cycle, so much so that I had 4 apps hehe. Last Chinese New Year, February 16, my period was a couple of days away but I felt different. I had tender breasts, back pain and cramps which are usual pre-menstrual symptoms but they felt different. Since it was a holiday, I had a lot of free time (haha), and a stash of pregnancy tests, so I decided to take one. To my surprise, there was a faint second line. I hurriedly called the hubby and we hugged in the bathroom. I wanted to go for an ultrasound already but hubby said it might be too early.

So logic prevailed and I resolved to wait until I was really delayed. I took a test almost every day and the second line always showed up. I finally went for a check-up and ultrasound on March 1 and there was a yolk sac and embryonic pole at 6 weeks. Another ultrasound was recommended two weeks after, and there's a heartbeat! Yay!

Despite the nausea and constipation, I am more relaxed this time around. I don't have the first time jitters and is not worrying about looking for a job unlike in 2014. My morning sickness is not as grave, but my cravings are on an overdrive, haha. 

I know I wrote down that I wanted a baby girl but I'm happy to have a normal and healthy baby either way. Normal delivery again, too, please! :)

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