Due to my breastfeeding problems, I once vowed that I will stop breastfeeding (to be technical about it, we are mixed feeding) (1) at the slightest hint of mastitis or (2) when baby turns six months.
Baby is now six months and one week and I still pump in the office and we direct latch at night and on week-ends. More than its health benefits, I am really after the convenience of breastfeeding - lift the shirt, pop the boob out and voila, any hunger or crying crisis is immediately averted. Sadly though, my supply hasn't increased, I can only pump around 5 oz. through three sessions in the office so that's just one bottle. But that's better than nothing, I believe. I've made peace with the whole washing the pump paraphernalia and lugging a cooler to work brouhaha - just another day in the life.
Baby has developed this sort of funny habit. Although my incision has healed, he refuses to nurse on my previously defective boob so I still breastfeed him on one side. Now when he's hungry, he turns to the side where my good boob is. When I'm already asleep and he wakes up hungry, he turns to me and frantically claws away at my shirt and boob. Even when my back is turned to him haha, so funny.
So I guess my new ultimatums are, I will breastfeed until (1) the slightest hint of mastitis or (2) I encounter a problem like baby biting me or (3) I run out of milk. :)
P.S. Since baby is now six months old, I should start with feeding him solids but I still haven't decided how to go about it. I don't want to start him with Cerelac and the like. Gosh, I'm so OC about these stuff, I even hate myself hehe.
P.S. Since baby is now six months old, I should start with feeding him solids but I still haven't decided how to go about it. I don't want to start him with Cerelac and the like. Gosh, I'm so OC about these stuff, I even hate myself hehe.