Monday, June 29, 2015

Leaky Boob Update

After posting that my wound hasn't been healing (most viewed post recently, is it because of the word boob?), I looked down one day and saw the wound was drying and closing up. Maybe because I decided to ditch the Steri-Strip and gauze dressing and just use a disposable breast pad to catch the leak during let-down. With the gauze on, the wound remained wet. With the pad absorbing the milk, the wound has become dry and started to heal (why didn't I think of this sooner? More importantly, why didn't my surgeon???) I want to use the pump already but I'm restraining myself because the wound might re-open again. 

I can't believe I'm excited to breastfeed with my other boob. Despite the difficulties I've encountered, breastfeeding really is convenient - no bottles to wash and sterilize and I get to sleep at night while nursing in a side-lying position. Best of all, it's FREE! I still get plugged ducts (like last night, WTH), but there is nothing like seeing the bebe all drunky face on my milk.

For now, I hope I make it to six months. Two months to go!

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