Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Baby Must-Haves

Currently stumped on something I'm working on but I need to get the writing wheels working so I decided to write about what I believe are baby must-haves.

Baby is turning 6 months this month. When I was pregnant, I got a Mom Card from SM's Baby Company and there was a list of things to buy for the baby. It was a long list and I was then wondering if I needed to buy everything but I did not. 

After almost six months of mommyhood, these are our baby must-haves apart from bottles and diapers:

(1) gauze diapers - I would pick up a pack whenever I shopped when I was pregnant. For wiping and putting on baby's back when he is sweating. We go through a lot these recent hot days because mommy and lola are praning about the sweat on baby's back haha.

(2) hooded blankets - Also hoarded these. There are two types, the "smooth" kind and the one with a towel texture on one side. Aside from using them as towels, we also use them as baby's "bedsheet" because he doesn't seem to like the crib comforter I bought. Besides, it's too hot so a thin blanket is enough.

(3) baby nail cutter - My mom gave us a small nail cutter for cutting baby's nails. It was small but it was meant for adults. I used them one time and I cut baby's skin. He and I cried, I think I cried even more. So I bought one made for babies and I haven't cut baby's skin again. Yey!

(4) bibs - We also go through these especially now that baby is drooling A LOT.

(5) a good thermometer - get the forehead or ear kind. A baby doesn't have patience for the armpit one.

(6) garterized mittens and booties for newborns - Emphasis on garterized. Old-school mittens and booties have ties and they are a pain to tie up and untie especially when you are sleep-deprived. I don't get it why the oldies prefer them to the garterized ones.

Now that he's gonna be eating soon (and eating well I hope), I'm sure there'll be another list of must-haves! :P

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