Friday, July 19, 2013


If you're not in the mood for senseless blabber, I suggest you skip this post.

When my mind can't keep up with the case I'm currently working on, I open my browser and click on random blogs. I stumbled upon a post of someone who was "unplannedly" pregnant and presently touring Europe. Pregnant and Europe - two things that may never happen to me so I'm immediately sad. And immediately bitter. I wonder what my life (or maybe just my bank account) could have been now if I started working right after college. I was a full-time law student, started working after passing the Bar, but got married two years after so it's been bills, bills, bills henceforth. My salary pays the bills for sure but sometimes, it does not seem enough. Or maybe I want too much, little greedy me.

So what's the point of this post? There is no point. The title's an emoticon for chrissake.


  1. Aww Glads. Ever considered going private? Pay is better, and while you don't have kids yet, the extra income can go into fun stuff, not just bills. (P.S. My firm's hiring)

  2. Hey Anna, maybe corpo - di ko kaya the hours of firm. But bebe first talaga, obstacle course nga lang. Haha, just being bitter. :)


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