Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Lola Insing

There goes another cliche - "when it rains, it pours".

The early morning of November 6, my Lola Insing passed away. She is the mother of my mother, and my last immediate living grandparent. Her demise was not untimely, as she was already 87 years old and has been bed-ridden for a year. She was not sick, it was classic old age. Her remaining days she has taken to not eating, and would only take milk and oatmeal.

It still hurt, so much so since she left three months after Daddy.

She died on the birth anniversary of Lolo Bete.

We remember her as one strong lady who would commute to our house, with her other apos in tow, bringing vegetables and rice. She sew most of our pambahay shorts then and she made the yummiest espasol. I craved her espasol when I was pregnant three years ago but the vigorous stirring wore her out so my aunt made them for me. She had many Ilocano expressions that us apos would mimic and say to each other.

2017 has been my personal annus horribilis. Hoping to look forward to a better 2018.

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