Thursday, July 23, 2015

7 Months

Our cutie pie turned seven months yesterday. The months are flying by so fast now! Gah. I guess it's really true that it's the first three months which are the hardest, in fact, it's called the fourth trimester. Ours was especially hard because I had to look for and transfer to a new office after my first month.

P's milestones:

  1. Eating solids. So far he's eaten squash, carrots, potato, camote, avocado and papaya. He eats everything we offer him so far. In fact, he opens his mouth as soon as he senses a spoon near his mouth. We went home last week-end and then we got flooded in, I wasn't able to prepare his food. He would stare at us whenever we ate, my poor munchkin hehe.

  2. He refuses to drink water though. He'd bite on the nipple whenever we make him drink water.

  3. Although he has no teeth yet, he has started chomping on mommy while nursing. I would tell him “NO” in a stern tone but he'd laugh at me.

  4. He rolls on his tummy then on his back with ease. He can push up his upper body AND his butt but not at the same time. Mommy says he need to do this as a precursor to sitting up. Hence, the next number.

  5. He can sit up in his tub while taking a bath by holding on to the sides. However, he cannot sit up by himself yet. Wah.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Time to Diet!

It was just recently that I was bragging here that I was almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight 11 weeks post-partum.

Not anymore.

I got fitted for our office uniforms around such time. This week, we started wearing them – and oof, muffin top galore! I can hardly zip up the pants huhu. I went to the clinic to check my weight and I'm a whopping 135 lbs., most of them in the tummy area.

The culprit:

Breastfeeding has made me hungry like I've never been before and I took to snacking on these Max's chocolate rolls. Two pieces. Every work day. On top of my other snacks like crackers and nuts. I don't have any exercise apart from carrying the baby and commuting. I now eat three solid meals with rice and snacks in between. 

Argh, need to go on a diet!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Solids: Carrots and Potatoes

After squash, we've fed baby P carrots and he is currently eating potatoes. Pedia advised us to give the same food for three days to check for allergies. Baby LOOOVED the carrots for he would lunge at the spoon. With potatoes, not so much. I don't know if he was just distracted by the television or he really just did not like the taste.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Solids: Squash

After dilly-dallying for one week and one day after he turned six months, we finally started baby on solids this Tuesday, June 30. I've been OC about the whole thing - for weeks I've been thinking and researching about how to prepare and store his food. I have trust issues with the cleanliness of the yayas, well, with everyone really haha because I am so OC. So I wanted to prepare and store his food  myself. I also did not want to buy too much gear so after much thought, I bought a stainless steel steamer basket to steam his food, a Lock&Lock container for the cut up veggies or fruits and a baby food bowl with grinder and spoon. True to my OC-ness, I had another Lock&Lock container where I store said steamer basket and his baby bowl after use. (We love Lock&Lock, sponsor us! Hahaha!)

Monday night I started cutting up a squash into cubes and stored them in the Lock&Lock container. Pedia said to feed him three times a day the same food for three days to check if he has allergies. The squash went into the ref.

Tuesday morning I was up earlier than usual. I steamed three cubes of squash, mashed them in the bowl and squeezed fresh breastmilk on the mush. I then woke up the sleeping hubby for picture-taking haha.

At first, baby was like "Huh?" but then he gobbled every bite! I prepared too much so I did not let him finish everything.

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