Monday, October 12, 2015

Mommy Me-Time

I used to find it odd when mommies emphasize the need for "me-time." I mean, babies are the best and sweetest and the cutest and how hard can it be to take care of a teeny tiny creature?

And here I am, thinking that the lunch hour I spent paying bills, lining at the bank and eating lunch so quickly I burned my tongue already counts as "me-time."

There aren't enough hours in a day when you're a mommy. The baby has to be fed, bathed, changed, entertained, cuddled, put to sleep, talked to, read to and repeat all over again. There will always be bottles to be washed, food to be prepared, groceries to be bought (the bulk of which are baby stuff), clothes to be sorted, nails to be cut, butts to be wiped, ears to be cleaned. Just tonight I had to multi-task by cleaning his ears while nursing him in a side-lying position. Ow, my neck and back.

I really really really love you, baby. But I do miss my "me-time". I do miss having a hour-long massage without you crying in the middle and just when I'm about to doze off. I miss roaming the mall without being side-tracked by bibs and baby food containers. I miss buying dresses which are not nursing dresses. I miss sleeping instead of washing the pump.

Oh, I do miss sleeping the most.

I love you, baby. I'd rather have you and me than just me.

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