Hello, neglected blog, it's been a while. My last post was written a couple of days before Yolanda and I somehow found it hard to blog after that. Anyway, let me take advantage of the Christmas break to update ze blog.
I have always gravitated to Young Adult/chick lit because I don't like reading serious stuff when I absolutely don't have to. Since I enjoyed Rainbow Rowell's Attachments, I bought Eleanor & Park as soon as I spotted a copy.
It's about two teenagers set in the '80s. Eleanor has a bleak (yes, I think that's the perfect word) family background while Park comes from a perfect Korean-American household. They fall in love after a couple of chapters and the rest is all about making you kilig with the kilig that comes with teenage love. I gotta give it to Rainbow Rowell, she writes kilig with a capital K. However, interspersed in their story is Eleanor's abusive stepfather so throughout the story, I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster, alternating between giddiness and despair.

Spoiler alert: This does not have a happy ending (looking at you, Anna). Honestly, I like Attachments more, maybe because I am closer to their age than Eleanor and Park, hehehe.
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