Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tickle Time and Ba-ba

One of the reasons why I choose to stay in government service is because I can still go home early even if the commute takes one to two hours. Unlike if I'm in private practice where 9PM is probably considered early. Hence, I still have time to play with the little curly top unless he's too tired from playing and already asleep after I eat dinner and shower.

I'm not sure if this comes with having a baby boy, but P's bedtime routines are bedtime shenanigans. There are no bedtime stories or gentle cuddling. He prefers crawling and rolling and jumping all over the bed. The few times I've cracked open a book, he is not interested. Although I should strive to read to him before sleeping. Mostly we wrestle though, and last night there was a tickling session pa.

I now know what it means to consider something as "music to my ears" and for now, that is P's pure laughter. :)

On the talking front, Baby Center is filled with articles about a toddler's talking timeline. At his age, P is expected to say 50 or so words but since he has been late in a few of his milestones, I've decided to wait and see. This morning, I heard a new word, "ba-ba", for "bye-bye", with matching waving motions. When he saw his maternal lolo who wants to be called "Popsy", he said "Pa-pi, Pa-pi." So cute. But you know, still no "Mommy." SOB SOB.

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