Tuesday, July 12, 2016

P's Words and Gibberish at 18 Months

I am subscribed to Baby Center, and lately, the articles I'm getting are about language or talking milestones. A few of my friends have their kids in therapy now because of speech delay. At first I wasn't worried because P has been delayed in most milestones, but well, the articles got to me. So I'm going to list down here the words P has been saying lately.

1. Dadi
2. Dede
3. Ka for cat
4. Kaki for Snorkie, our dog, and all dogs
5. Bo for ball
6. Ba-ba for bye-bye, with waving motion
7. Ah-te
8. Tita
9. Papa
10. Teet-wa for peek-a-boo
11. Sus for shoes (heard once)
12. Ba-ho (heard once)
13. Apo-Apo for ligo
14. A-li-ka (for water, or when he wants something)


1. Da-du-de for 1, 2, 3?
2. Ba-ba-bu with matching patting of the head with both hands.
3. Tats

Baby Center also says that he should point to at least one body part when asked, and all he can do is lift up his foot when I say "fooot!" Attempts to have him point to other body parts are ignored, huhu.

He babbles though and tries to sing along to A, B, C and Wheels on the Bus and that darn Tatlong Bibe Song.

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