We've all watched movies or tv shows where pregnant women are shown to cry at the slightest whim. I can be a bit emotional so I was expecting that I'd be weepy all the time. Except for a couple of episodes in the first and second trimester, I've been cry-free.
Until recently. One time I got up to pee then I couldn't go back to sleep and found myself crying until dawn. I was thinking about my bleak job hunting prospects. Then, later in the day, I was talking to my mom about our yaya prospect who was having second thoughts and suddenly I was bawling. Thank goodness I was alone in our office floor as it was lunch break. I guess I'm feeling overwhelmed. The pregnancy part is going swimmingly well, just the other issues in life are stressing me out. I envy those who can sit back and just enjoy their pregnancy. While here I am, still doing some chores, still going to the office and may be possibly jobless after I give birth. Sigh. You can't blame me for crying.